Here's the description Boulder Trail Runners provide on their Yahoo Group webpage:
We are people who enjoy running the trails near Boulder, Colorado.
Happy Hour Run is EVERY Thursday at 5:30 pm: all year, all weather, all trails. You
should go to this; it's best way to meet people and see what's up. The location
of all runs changes every week and is announced on this List. Show up!Also Thursday at 5:30 is an interval workout. Saturday at 9 am is a group run of 2 -
3 hours in length. Tuesday at 5 pm is a Tempo Run, Wednesday very early morning
is a 1- 2 hour run, and a slow run is every Wednesday at 5:30 pm.
I've submitted an application to become part of the mailing list, to keep abreast of what they're doing and where they're running. It's so easy for us to get into a routine that turns into a rut, and with the glorious trails we have in our area here that would be real shame.
I see in this group has 938 people on their membership rolls. 938? The picture taken at Gold Hill of a winter run shows only a few folks, so I suspect there aren't 938 that show up for weekly runs. Especially in the winter. Should be fun to hear about.
Seeing the winter run, hearing their description of "all year, all weather, all trails" has me intrigued, looking as I am for some encouragement to get out even when the weather turns arctic in February. We'll see.
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