May 17, 2010

DOMS--Delayed onset muscle soreness.

The quick rebound I had after the aggressively-run half marathon left me feeling like my conditioning was pretty good. Energy had held, hydration level appeared good, chafing had been forestalled by NipGuards, knees, joints, tendons, muscles all appeared to be tired but intact.

Breakfast before the run seemed most adequate: waffles with sugar-free syrup, a tall glass of cold milk. Carbs pre and during the run settled well and kept me going: Shot Bloks, accompanied by water. I ate one 15 min before the start, one at 1:00 hr and one at 2:00 hr. I probably could have used one at 1:30.

Still I have to say: nothing in my previous training regimen prepared my body for the stresses of two hours of all-out running. Two days later--typical for my body's pattern--the soreness set it in, Big Time.

Calves, thighs, hips. I won't belabor the point, only to log it here. Tuesday it was intense--walking stairs a slow, lumbering process. By Thursday it was evident but minimal. By Friday, gone. My pattern closely resembled the curve for benchstepping, in the graphic here.

Run schedule this week: T 3 mi, Th 3 mi, Sat 4 mi, all easy, flat terrain. What the Coach calls untapering, rebuilding back to previous levels.

Actual runs: only the Th and Sat. Tuesday preempted by deadlines. Not that my body complained about the preemption.

Both runs were heavy, inelegant efforts. Most noticeable for me: difficulty in keeping it slow.

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