August 22, 2005

Linda at Betasso Preserve

If you saw the film A Walk in the Clouds, you have a sense of the magic in the air at the Betasso Preserve. A gentle three-mile loop, it has just enough terrain to provide some challenge, with the uphill stretches being within the range of even novice runners like me. A fifteen minute drive from the Library, it's a quiet run with seldom more than a few folks on the trail at any one time--most of whom, in my experience, are birdwatchers.

On Saturdays the trail is reserved for hikers and runners, with no bicycles allowed. Conor O'Neill, our frequent running companion, has to stay on his leash for this one, so it's not his favorite.

1 comment:

Michael, Dad, Poppi. said...

The facilities at the trailhead make for a natural break at 3 miles, as Linda says.

One of the learnings I've had from good coaching is that a run needn't be continuous, non-stop to be a good run. It takes nothing away from the effectiveness of your time out to stop for refueling or for a potty break, and such interruptions generally more than pay for themselves with the increased energy they produce.