November 13, 2009


This is a run for newbies, seniors, folks recovering from injuries, the genetically challenged, those with hangovers, and anyone else who means it when they say they run slow. If you run 12 minute miles or faster on flat trails, you're too fast for us.

Start time is Sunday 10 AM. Meet at the Chatauqua (sic) Ranger Station (look for the short chick in the blue ski cap). Plan is to go about four miles total on the Mesa trail, about an hour. If folks are interested we could go for coffee afterwards to warm up and discuss the meaning of SLOW.

Tell your slow friends!

From the Boulder Trail Runners yahoo group listserv

Turns out my interest in slow running has deeper philosophical connections than just my interest in cardio/exercise management. Who'da thunk?

Slow Food. Slow Money. All connected in profound ways to Simple Living, now beginning to find some cultural relevance as we enter the era of Climate Change and Peak Oil.

My journal here is devoted to running, not economics or organizational development or leadership or any of the other areas of my life. I won't be pursuing these issues in this forum.

But I long ago learned to pay attention to "coincidences" of interest and energy. This particular one will keep me thinking for a while.

I do know I am enjoying the pleasures of slow running. And they are distinctly different from the joys of walking.

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