November 19, 2009

Vitamin D.

Oh, good. Another nutritional detail to pay attention to.

As if there aren't enough already.

Now it's Vitamin D.

Actually, with the amount of time I spend in low-light situations with my work, I've actually been paying some attention to the issue already. I've noticed that if I don't get a certain amount of bright light in a day, I don't sleep as well that night.

It's particularly an issue in the mountain winters, where it's dark when I step on the RTD bus in the morning and dark when I get off at the end of the day.

All the more important for me to continue my running regimen through the year. Not to mention effects that are showing up with Vitamin D and cardiac health.

But studies are showing sunlight alone doesn't provide adequate amounts. Looks like another panel to include in my blood tests. Particularly since discovering that milk is considered a carbohydrate, which I'm limiting these days.

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