March 21, 2014

First day of Spring, 2014.

Continuing to ease my way back into full running, I'm doing 10 miles this week. It feels great, and to my surprise my cardio has held up reasonably well. Uphills aren't killing me. At least short ones aren't.

I've decided the Training Effect is a stupid feature that is misleading and absolutely interfering with my work. I take three steps--literally: I've counted--and I'm already at 1.0, with 5.0 considered officially overtraining. Within a quarter mile of moving as slowly as I can while still running, with HR still at 55% HR max, I'm already at 3.0.

So I'm only watching it for amusement, and to see if it ever becomes smart enough to serve as an aid.

Otherwise I'm back at watching my pace, maintaining HR where I want it, breathing 3-2. And enjoying God's beautiful earth.

Ready to bloom, CU Campus Police and Parking Building.

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